Hooah!! Welcome back for your Week Four update. Your Trainee has successfully moved into the Phase III of Army Basic Combat Training, the White Phase. Week Four marks the start of the first stretch of Phase III, also known as the White Phase. This is the beginning of an extremely stressful time for your Trainee. Most new Trainees have never handled a weapon before.
The focus is further strengthening individual task proficiency in the areas of: shoot, move, communicate, survive, physical fitness and discipline. To advance out of White Phase and into Blue Phase, Trainees must successfully qualify with their individual weapon.
During this week, the Drill Sergeants (DS) have already started to move the emphasis of training away from the individual to the team. Trainees have also been assigned a “Battle Buddy,” who must accompany them everywhere they go throughout the remainder of BCT.
During this week they will spend time in the Engagement Skills Trainer (EST 2000). The EST 2000 is an indoor, multipurpose, multilane, small arms training simulator. It is used to simulate weapon training events which lead to live-fire individual/crew weapon qualification and training events.
After the EST 2000, they will move out to the Zeroing Range where they will fire their first live rounds. Zeroing a weapon is not a training exercise, nor is it a combat skills event. Zeroing is a maintenance procedure that is accomplished to place the weapon in operation, based on the Soldier’s skill, capabilities, tactical scenario, aiming device, and ammunition. Its purpose is to achieve the desired relationship between the line of sight and the trajectory of the round at a known distance. The zeroing process ensures the Soldier, weapon, aiming device, and ammunition are performing as expected at a specific range to target with the least amount of induced errors.

After the EST 2000, they will move out to the Zeroing Range where they will fire their first live rounds. Zeroing a weapon is not a training exercise, nor is it a combat skills event. Zeroing is a maintenance procedure that is accomplished to place the weapon in operation, based on the Soldier’s skill, capabilities, tactical scenario, aiming device, and ammunition. Its purpose is to achieve the desired relationship between the line of sight and the trajectory of the round at a known distance. The zeroing process ensures the Soldier, weapon, aiming device, and ammunition are performing as expected at a specific range to target with the least amount of induced errors.
For Trainees to achieve a high level of accuracy and precision, it is critical they zero their aiming device to their weapon correctly. The Trainee must first achieve a consistent grouping of a series of shots, at least three but ideally five.
The M4 Carbine is the standard issue weapon of the U.S. Army. Training Circular (TC) 3-22.9 is the Army’s guide to provide Soldiers the critical information on how to properly and effectively engage and destroy threats in a direct fire engagement.

Trainees will be taught everything there is to know about the rifle (remember, it’s not a gun). Learning to shoot a rifle requires a lot more than simply pulling the trigger. The TC relies on the DS teaching the Trainees about how the weapon functions, its capabilities, the capabilities of the optics and ammunition, and how to properly employ those capabilities to achieve mastery through the application of the functional elements of the shot process. Lastly, marksmanship courses will teach Trainees not only the proper way to hold a weapon, but also how to breathe and shoot from various positions.
Anytime the Trainees conduct marksmanship training, they will march to the firing range, usually in full battle rattle. Full battle rattle is approximately 50 pounds of gear, including an improved outer tactical vest, Kevlar helmet, pro-mask, ammunition, weapons, and rucksack with other basic military equipment. The term was previously associated with a call to arms on warships dating back to the early 1800s. Full battle rattle saves lives and is essential to have all necessary equipment to complete the mission.
In your letter this week, ask them how their marksmanship training is going and if they are getting the hang of mastering their weapon. Next week they will move on to qualifying with their weapon, it will be a big week!
Your trainee may be feeling the distance by now, and missing their world outside basic training. Consider adding The Dispatch with your next letter. This is a weekly newsletter, sent to your trainee to help them feel connected to life outside of basic training.
Stay tuned for more insights into Week Four and beyond. Follow us on social media for the latest updates, letter ideas, and more.
That’s a brief look at the intense but rewarding journey your Trainee is on. Let’s keep supporting them every step of the way!
You can always find me via chat in the Sandboxx app or happiness@sandboxx.us — just ask for Kris, and myself or another teammate will get back to you as soon as we can.
SGM Kris Broadus, U.S. Army (Ret)