VSSL Cache – Lights, Protection, and Navigation

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I’m a big fan of multi-use gadgets and gizmos that provide a little more convenience to my life in situations in which I choose to inconvenience myself. What I mean by that is camping, hiking, choosing combat arms as a military specialty, you know, the usual stuff. One such gadget I’ve stumbled upon is the VSSL caches. The VSSL caches are a diverse group of products that minimize size while maximizing efficiency as well as being a multi-use item. 

VSSL Breakdown 

What’s a VSSL Cache? Well, here is the easy answer, a VSSL cache is an aluminum tube. VSSL caches are 2 inches in diameter aluminum tubes that come pre-stocked with various goods or empty to pack yourself. The VSSL caches come in multiple sizes and configurations. 

The pre-filled models are filled with small tins that each contain a separate item that is often apart of a theme. The first aid kit version comes stuffed with small cans, each packed with first aid supplies. The camp model comes packed with tins full of various gear to go fishing, start fires, cordage to make a shelter, and tons of other goods. 

There is even a flash version designed to transport liquids and even a very excellent new coffee maker model that I very much want for my next off-grid adventure. The tube itself is also a tool. 

The tubes have two caps, and either can be removed at any time. One side is a self-contained 200 lumen light, and the other is a precision compass. The VSSL Mini caches get a carabiner to make attaching it to a pack with ease. 

The VSSL Caches were designed by an outdoorsman, and new models and accessories are picked and designed by men and women who love the great outdoors. The voyagers of the wild world, if you will. 

The VSSL In the Field

I’ve got my hands on several VSSL caches and have been using them for years. Both minis and standard models. I have an empty mini, a camp model, and a first aid model. For my life, they work well as self-contained, always packed, and ready items for instant use. The same logic could apply to our servicemen and women heading on deployment or to the field to train. 

The VSSL tube is solid. Military-grade aluminum makes up the tube’s construction. Beat it up, abuse it, and it’ll survive and protect your stuff. The tubes are waterproof and will protect your goods from splashes, rain, and submersion. 

Protective containers can be convenient for field and deployment use. Sometimes you need to protect your gear or your goodies. The prepacked caches are nice, but most of the equipment they include will likely already be issued to you, so the empty caches make the most sense for a military member. 

The VSSL containers are perfect for packing away critical and essential gear. The tube is ideal for storing batteries, weapons cleaning gear, necessary papers, pens, and map gear, as well as the real essentials like 5 Hour Energy shots and a Snickers bar. I always brought a few candy bars to supplement those terrible MREs for field ops. 

Light it Up 

The 200 Lumen LED beam is a soft beam with lots of spill. Lots of spill means the light is cast widely and less direct than a regular flashlight. It’s a beam most appropriate for short-range, widely cast illumination. It lights up a tent or a small area. Pop the light from the VSSL cache, and boom, a camping lamp is born. The lights also have an SOS blinking mode for a handy signal. 

Obviously, compasses are always handy. Having a spare that not only gives you direction but provides degree readings is quite handy. You can also detach the compass as needed if you don’t wanna carry the whole tube around. 

Into the VSSL 

The VSSL caches may have been designed with survival and camping in mind, but they can be adapted to various tasks for military members serving or training. These tubes are well made, protective, and serve multiple purposes. Efficiency is the name of the game and the VSSL Cache tubes, and they’ve delivered years of effective use to me. Check ‘em out and let us know what you think. 

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Travis Pike

Travis Pike is a former Marine Machine gunner who served with 2nd Bn 2nd Marines for 5 years. He deployed in 2009 to Afghanistan and again in 2011 with the 22nd MEU(SOC) during a record-setting 11 months at sea. He’s trained with the Romanian Army, the Spanish Marines, the Emirate Marines, and the Afghan National Army. He serves as an NRA certified pistol instructor and teaches concealed carry classes.

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