Here’s everything you need to know about writing Letters to Air Force basic training. Do you know someone who just began their journey at Air Force basic training, or is already there? Sending Letters during basic training is one of the easiest ways to help boost the morale of your trainee.

Air Force Basic Training Mailing Address
Air Force Basic Training Mailing Address | Sample Address |
AB Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial ### TRS / FLT ### (Dorm #X-#) or (Dorm X-#) 1320 Truemper Street Unit 36#### JBSA Lackland AFB, TX 78236-#### | AB Doe, John R 326 TRS/FLT 620 (Dorm B3) 1320 Truemper Street Unit 361006 JBSA Lackland AFB, TX 78236-5570 |
Writing Letters to Air Force Basic Training?
During Air Force Basic Training trainees are pushed mentally and physically to see if they have what it takes to be a part of the United States Air Force. There is nothing easy about what they are going to be doing during their time at Lackland Air Force Base.
Mental and physical exhaustion will become a norm as the loved one you said goodbye to is transformed into a completely new person.
To help you become a basic training Letter expert we’ve put together a list of some questions for you to ask when writing Letters to Air Force basic training.
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- What were your first thoughts when you got off of the bus?
- What time do your mornings start?
- How delicious is the chow?
- What has been the worst thing about basic training?
- If you could describe basic training in one word what would it be?
- How many trainees are in your flight?
- What’s the name of one friend you’ve made, where are they from?
- What are you most anxious about for Beast Week?
- What is one thing your flight gets yelled at for the most?
- What time do you normally get to sleep?
- Have you been given a nickname?
- Is there anyone in your flight not receiving mail that I can write to?
- Has it been hard to make your bunk perfectly?
- What have you liked best about basic training?
- Did you win your pugil stick battle?
- What has been the funniest thing your TI has said this week?
- What’s the best advice you have received at basic training?
- What is the dumbest thing you have seen or heard another trainee do?
- Has basic training been what you expected it to be?
- What is your wish list of bases you would like to be stationed at?
- What’s the first thing you want to do after graduation?
- What homemade/fast food meal do you miss the most?
- Are you proud of yourself? (You should be!)
It’s hard to know what to write to your trainee when you don’t always get Letters back from them. The most important thing to keep in mind is that Letters don’t have to be long and they don’t have to be complicated. Just sending your trainee a message to let them know you are thinking of them and believe in them will be more than enough.
Sending Letters via the Sandboxx app will get your message and photos into your trainee’s hands within a couple of days (we overnight your Letters directly to Lackland Air Force base). Each Letter also includes a return envelope so your loved one can write you back!
Ready to send your first Letter to Air Force basic training?
1. Download the Sandboxx app.
2. Create your account
3. Send your first Sandboxx Letter ✉.
4. Receive weekly in-app updates on Air Force basic training and more!
Learn more about how your Sandboxx Letter gets delivered.