Whether you are using Sandboxx or handwritten Letters to stay in touch with your Recruit in training, adding a photo with your Letter is highly encouraged by the recruits. During basic training recruits are kept completely disconnected from the outside world. Sending mail to your recruit is one of the best ways to support them through out this journey, and adding a photo with your Letters makes it all the better. Below are 6 types of photos to send to your Recruit at Basic Training.
Pet Photos
Your recruit will go through a lot of changes during basic training, but the love they have for their fur-friends will never go away. Recruits love receiving photos of their pets from back home.

Sandboxx Tip: Snap a photo of your pet with the Letters you’ve received from your recruit to show how much their Letters mean to both of you.
Taking selfies is not for everyone, but recruits love seeing their friends and families faces. Not that they will forget what you look like, but sometimes seeing a loving face makes going through a tough time a little bit easier.

Sandboxx Tip: Send selfies of your smile! Your recruit knows it’s hard to be apart, but seeing you sad could make them feel bad, try and keep your selfies (and your Letters) positive.
The Family
The gang’s all here! Nothing says we’re cheering you on and love you like a big family photo. Get the family together and snap a photo to show your recruit that you’re all rooting for them.

Sandboxx Tip: Have friends and family scattered across the country? Try and get a photo from every state, ask friends and family to write a positive message for your recruit and snap a photo to send to you. Create a collage, or send the photos as you get them so your recruit can receive motivation from across the country, even the world.

Photos provided by Sandboxx user Dawn D.[/caption]
Inspirational Quotes
Sending your recruit motivation through out training is essential to help keep their spirits high, and let them know that they can do this! Send a motivational quote in your Letter that will help them get through any challenges that lie ahead.

Sandboxx Tip: Check out our Instagram for more motivational images.
Whether it’s a funny meme, a photo with a filter on your face or a picture of a funny memory, your photo is sure to bring a smile to your recruit’s face.
Sandboxx Tip: If you have some extra time, and consider yourself creative try making a life size cut out, or even just a head cutout of your recruit, and take photos with them as if they were there in person.
Your Day
It might not sound exciting, but recruits really do enjoy just seeing a moment from your day. Whether you take a picture of the sunrise/sunset, a photo of a coffee shop you were at or a picture sitting at the office, your recruit will enjoy knowing you were thinking of them through out your day.

Sandboxx Tip: Snap a photo of an activity you and your recruit used to do or a spot you might have frequented. Recruits will enjoy knowing what’s going on in your life and feeling included in it even if they are away.
Whether you include a photo in your Letter or not, the most important thing is to write! Your recruit will appreciate the love and support they receive through out training, and will help keep their confidence and spirits high.
Learn more about how Sandboxx Letters get delivered to your recruit or read more about what to write in your Letters to basic training.