Is your JROTC using Sandboxx?

Recruits can never receive enough mail while they are going through basic training or boot camp. Family and friends promise to write but often forget....

why jrotc units should use the sandboxx app

Recruits can never receive enough mail while they are going through basic training or boot camp. Family and friends promise to write but often forget. Team Sandboxx was delighted to learn last month that East Forsyth High School JROTC was using Sandboxx to keep their alumni motivated. When recruits receive this support from the outside world, it can significantly help with morale.

How many of your JROTC alumni go through basic training each year?

We usually have between 10-15 cadets go to basic training after their senior year. This year we’ve had roughly 8 or 9 go to basic and a few current students are already enlisted, but waiting to graduate high school.


How are you using Sandboxx to keep in touch with alumni?

We find out where our alumni are doing basic or even where they are stationed and we go on Sandboxx to write them letters and try to keep in contact with them.


How is this easier than what you have done previously?

We actually haven’t done anything like this before. It’s nice to find a way to keep in contact with alumni while they are taking the transition from civilian to troop life.


Do current cadets send letters to former cadets?

We are new to this program, but that seems like a good idea when we have free time during classes. Right now it is between me (Erick Messer, Public Affairs Officer), our Senior Army Instructor, LTC Walter McCormick, and Army Instructor, MSG Dale Hissim.

Sandboxx is an app for service members, recruits, their families and supporters. It was created by two Marines and a Marine father who wanted to make it easier to stay in touch with family when off-the-grid without a phone and with units when they were back home. Download Sandboxx free.

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