Boot Camp Letter Ideas: Sport Updates

During basic training, recruits have little contact with the outside world, that includes not knowing how their favorite sports team is doing during the season....

Are you experiencing writer’s block? Here are some boot camp letter ideas to help you support your recruit while they are in training.

During basic training, recruits have little contact with the outside world, which includes not knowing how their favorite sports team is doing during the season. Sending your recruit weekly sports updates is a great way to take their minds off of the long and exhausting day/week they might have had.

Boot Camp Letter Idea 1

Football Is Back.

Just because your recruit is at basic training doesn’t mean they should miss out on all things football! Keep your recruit updated throughout the season with weekly updates on their favorite team.

Click the image of your recruit’s favorite NFL team below to save it to your device. Then, attach and send your NFL team graphic with your score/game updates, and who they are playing for the week.

Need more Letter inspiration? View one of our other posts.

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What to write when sending letters to boot camp

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