Once successfully graduated from Army basic training, Soldiers will continue on to Army Advanced Individual Training (AIT) where they will train, in depth, in their specific Military Occupational Speciality (MOS). AIT varies depending on what a Soldier’s MOS is, but here’s a general overview of what you can expect after Army basic training at AIT.
What happens after Army basic training graduation?
After Basic Combat Training (BCT) graduation, Soldiers will begin out-processing procedures. They will need to gather their belongings from the barracks and check-out of their unit.
Once check-out is complete Soldiers are required to check-in to their next unit at their AIT school. Depending on the Soldier’s MOS, AIT school may be located on the same base where the Soldier’s BCT was.
Soldier’s whose AIT school is on a different base will be required to travel to that base in order to check-in. Depending on where the AIT school is located Soldiers will either fly or drive to their new unit. All of this information is provided to Soldiers near the end of BCT, and by graduation, they will know exactly where they need to go next.
Do Soldiers come home after basic training?
Soldiers are not often given time to go home after basic training. Check-in for AIT School is most often the day after graduation, if not the same day.
How long is AIT?
Advanced Individual Training(AIT) ranges from 4 to 52 weeks depending on a Soldier’s MOS. After graduating from basic training, Soldiers will go to AIT where they will complete Phase IV and Phase V before joining their unit.
Phase IV
Phase IV of AIT will consist of three weeks, as Soldiers continue to train on the values of the Army and begin focusing on their specific MOS skills. During this phase, Soldiers will continue to receive more privileges such as phone time and weekend liberty.
Phase V
Phase V of AIT can range anywhere from a few weeks to multiple months, depending on the Soldier’s MOS.
Where is AIT?
School | Base | State |
Adjutant General School | Fort Jackson | South Carolina |
Air Defense Artillery School | Fort Sill | Oklahoma |
U.S. Army Armor Center | Fort Benning | Georgia |
Aviation Logistics School | Fort Eustis | Virginia |
Chemical, biological, radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) School | Fort Leonard Wood | Missouri |
Department of Defense Fire Academy | Goodfellow Air Force Base | Texas |
Engineer School | Fort Leonard Wood | Missouri |
Field Artillery School | Fort Sill | Oklahoma |
Financial Management School | Fort Jackson | South Carolina |
Infantry School | Fort Benning | Georgia |
U.S. Army Intelligence Center | Fort Huachuca | Arizona |
Military Police School | Fort Leonard Wood | Missouri |
Ordnance Mechanical Maintenance School | Fort Lee | Virginia |
Quartermaster School | Fort Lee | Virginia |
Signal Corps School | Fort Gordon | Georgia |
Transportation School | Fort Lee | Virginia |

AIT Weekend Passes
Weekend passes throughout AIT will be determined by the unit. In some cases, Soldiers may receive an on-base liberty pass for the weekend during Phase IV. Off-base liberty passes are normally not granted until Phase V.
Weekend passes are approved by individual units. There is no guarantee for liberty and often times has to be earned during the week by the Soldiers.
As time progresses through AIT, Soldiers will be granted more privileges including an overnight pass for the weekend. But, Soldiers will be limited to the amount of distance they can travel from the base. Most bases will not allow travel over 50 miles from the base. Soldiers may also receive more time to use their personal cell phones, to make those FaceTime calls home.
If you are traveling to visit your Soldier during AIT make sure you receive confirmation that they are allowed visitor’s before you make plans to travel. Even then, your Soldier may not be aware of weekend liberty until the day before.
AIT Army Graduation
After successfully completing Phase IV and Phase V of AIT, Soldiers will have a graduation ceremony to signify that they meet the requirements
AIT graduations are more intimate than the graduation ceremony for basic training. The graduating class will be much smaller and the ceremony may only last thirty minutes.
After the graduation ceremony is complete, Soldiers will complete the check-out process from AIT as they get ready to report to their next unit.
What happens after AIT?
After Soldiers graduate from their AIT School they are normally granted some leave, often 10 days, before having to check-in to their next unit. The unit Soldiers check-in to after AIT school will be their first Permanent Duty Assignment (PDA).
Know someone who will be graduating from Army Basic Training? Read our posts to learn more about what to expect at graduation.
Fort Sill Graduation
Fort Benning Graduation
Fort Leonard Wood Graduation
Fort Jackson Graduation