10 Coronavirus-era Proposal Ideas

If you’ve been trying to come up with creative proposal ideas, you might be tempted to wait until after coronavirus lockdowns start to ease up...

If you’ve been trying to come up with creative proposal ideas, you might be tempted to wait until after coronavirus lockdowns start to ease up to do it. But now is actually the perfect time to propose. You might not get to do that vacation beach proposal at sunset you’d thought about, but with the military traveling less than ever, you can put a plan together without a whole lot of fear of being called away. And there are plenty of creative ways to propose, even during quarantines.

Here are a few ideas:

A gift inside a gift.

Trick your significant other into thinking you’re giving them something else – and then hide the ring inside. Get them something they’ve always wanted to double the impact of the surprise. For example, hide the ring inside a luxury purse, or tie it to the collar of a new puppy.

Have someone hide the ring beforehand.

We’re all depending on walks in the park, on hiking trails or on beaches to get us through some of the boredom of being stuck inside. Ask a friend to go ahead of you and put the ring in a secret location in the middle of your route. Then you can pretend to spot something, bend down and pick it up, and create an incredible surprise.

Hide it inside a book.

Cut out the inside of a book and put the ring inside. Wrap it up in a package and address it to your significant other. Pretend to have found it in the mail.

The jigsaw puzzle proposal.

You’ve probably come across the jigsaw puzzle proposal before (create a custom puzzle that says “Will You Marry Me?” when it comes together. But if you really want to make sure it’s a surprise, create a custom puzzle that looks like an actual puzzle you’d get in the store – except for a very small section that says “Marry me.” Make sure the cover of the box looks like the picture but without the “marry me” part.

coronavirus proposal ideas
(Sky-ads via WikiMedia Commons)

Hire a skywriter.

You may be stuck inside, but that’s the perfect time to lead your significant other outside for a skywritten message.

Propose by drone.

Have a friend hidden nearby to fly a drone down to your backyard (or wherever you plan to do it). Tie a message to the drone that says “Will you marry me?”

Put it in a fortune cookie.

If you’re anything like the rest of America, you’re getting a lot of Chinese takeout right now. Plan a casual takeout dinner, but when you go to pick up the food, put a custom fortune cookie in the bag that says “Will you marry me?” Make sure you refold the bag so it looks like it did before.

coronavirus proposal ideas

Go camping.

A lot of campsites are opening up again. Propose under the stars or at sunset. Hide the ring in a bag of marshmallows for making s’mores. Or have a friend rent a site nearby and set up lights, lanterns, flowers and signs. Then take her for a casual walk around the campsite.

Board game proposal.

If you’ve been playing any board games, replace one of the cards with one that says “Will you marry me?” This will work best if there’s a game you consistently play, so that it doesn’t seem like an out-of-the-blue request.

Custom wine bottle.

Create a custom label or order an etched wine bottle with your message. The next time you have a “Netflix and chill” night with some wine, pull out the bottle and see how long it takes your significant other to notice. As far as proposal ideas during the coronavirus go, splitting a bottle of wine on the couch is about as easy as things get. 

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